"Surf Check IG Series" Animated Covers & Assets



For the International Students & Programs Office🡥 at UC San Diego!


A series of dynamic video covers for the beginning of Instagram carousels and an animated Mograph IG Story to kick-off the series!


With the height of COVID-19 remote learning trailing off into the distance, ISPO wanted to create a new guide for students to get them excited for a potential return to campus. As a result, the "Surf Check" series started to take traction.

I was asked to come in and help support the guide, which they wanted to transition into a social media campaign on Instagram.


The idea was to utilize an Instagram carousel post to convey the information to students. To make the posts more engaging for the eye, I decided to propose three possible ways to integrate video into carousel.

PROPOSAL 1: Static Cover

The first idea I had was stick closer to a traditional image carousel by avoiding the use of sound and to do generally static animations. This meant that it would stand out in comparison to an image, but not go so far as to act as a video-object.

PROPOSAL 2: Video Card

The second idea was to lean into video and have a card in the carousel act as a mini-video to be watched. It would ultimately reiterate information that could be found in text later in the carousel, but would offer options to the user in terms of how they would want to consume their content.

Also, since the information is from a guide and intended to assist a student at UC San Diego, having the information in text form would increase the utility for referencing if it was to be saved. As a result, the video would lend itself to the first watch, while the rest of the guide for the second reference.

PROPOSAL 3: Video in Card

The third idea was to integrate live video within a design of a card. This would add an element of interest as well as expand the options to convey information.


After presenting these three versions, the team decided to use static covers but to add sound design & music to further draw in viewers scrolling past. This continued to be featured in every Surf Check post, becoming an integral part of the branding.


The launch story aimed to convey ISPO as a wealth of knowledge that a student had access to to make the most of their time at UC San Diego.

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