"ISPO Smile" Logo Animation



For the International Students & Programs Office🡥 at UC San Diego!


An animated logo title card to be used to introduce all ISPO related video assets. Sound designed to match!


A graphic designer at the time with ISPO, Ana Luiza Mattos🡥, had created a new logo to revitalize the ISPO brand and had spoken to me about getting it animated. She created a crude mockup of her idea and passed it my way.


Ana had placed the ISPO type into a half circle that emulate that of a smile and had visions of making the type above it "wink." I was a big fan of this idea, so I took a swing at making the idea come to life.


Around the same time, there were talks about developing a stronger branding presence for ISPO. One aspect of consideration was a sonic branding for the intro, so that without even looking, one would be able to know that an ISPO video was playing. This was taken into consideration, as I did both the animation and sound design.


After a bit of fiddling around with keyframes and warping, the pop-on and wink animation was completed. The intro was met with praise, and only a few minor tweaks were needed before it was applied to subsequent video works.

The sound design made a start initially, and through more work found itself later that year.


When I joined the position, I found that a majority of video assets were left in disarray—requiring much time and effort to sort through and piece together in order to reuse them. As a result, I made sure to keep my files clean and well labeled. For the Smile Logo, I made a master project file and coded in ease-of-use features to allow a novice at After Effects the ability to manipulate the colors and styles. I made an accompany tutorial video to ensure that there was some outreach to the next generation.